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For Luxury Travel Guides users, this means that all business are pre-curated; in other words, Luxury Travel Guides is selecting for you from the best luxury products and services in the world, and providing the best value and experiences possible, regardless of where you want to travel.


Why Consider an Upgraded Insertion
What people who submit free insertion don't appear to appreciate is just how much better an upgraded insertion is - You may think "they would say that, wouldn't they" - All we ask though, is that you compare for yourself the difference between a free insertion and an upgraded insertion and remember upgrades start from just $15 per year, with no catches, no tie ins, and no up-sells or annoying sales calls.
Why is our Insertion Fees in Luxury Travel Guides so affordable?
  • We don't pay commission to sales staff.
  • We don't use call centers for cold calling.
  • We don't have to maintain expensive large business premises. 95% of our staff and journalists work all over the world from home,  improving their work/life balance and saving us money in general operating costs.
  • Affordable fees increase the number of business in the maps and the amount of information available to the private and luxury travel professionals that visit our platform at the time of planning their trips. This convert Luxury Travel Guides into an invaluable search tool for them.
  • We relay principally on other sources of income, like sponsorship, advertising and e-publishing services as our way to finance our organization. 
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